It has a very full sound that is fully adjustable across the board, giving you an almost endless array of possibilities. Overall, Cytomic's The Glue is some of the best bang for your buck out there for a compression plug-in. Using it this way I've yet to have it slow down my system in the least. Generally I'll only used The Glue on an auxiliary channel for drum bussing or something of the sort, so I'm usually not putting it on individual tracks.

I run Pro Tools LE with a Digi 002R audio interface and on a Mac Book Pro that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM. In my home studio I'm currently running Cytomic's The Glue buss compressor in Pro Tools LE 8.
#Youtube cytomic the glue manual
I haven't seen a manual for The Glue, nor do I see myself ever having a use for one. It's easy to tell that you've got complete control with The Glue, which is one of it's finest selling points. Some of the parameters that it has include knobs for threshold, range, gain make up, attack, release, ratio, mix, and it also has a section for a high pass sidechain. It's definitely similar to an SSL buss compressor, but it's not a direct copy in sound or make up.
#Youtube cytomic the glue how to
Learning how to use the plug-in is another story, as it's got a good amount of controls to work with and will take a few tries to feel completely comfortable. I didn't have any problems at all installing the plug-in, as there was nothing out of the ordinary about the process.

The plug-in is available for both Mac and PC operating systems and in RTAS, VST, and AU formats. Cytomic's The Glue is a compression plug-in that is based on an SSL buss compressor from the 4000 series of consoles.